Wentworth, Everyone should watch it!

Wentworth, Everyone should watch it People you have to watch Wentworth, it's sooo good. (This blog may contain spoilers, but I sure will try not to spoil much if anything) First things first: Wentworth is completely different to Orange is the new black. The only point of comparison for me is they are both set in female prisons. OITNB is first and foremost a comedy show, which also focuses on real aspects of life. Now down to business: Wentworth is not a comedy its is real and it's brutally honest. Wentworth doesn't shy away from what prison life actually is, even from the first episode, nay the first 5 minutes. From drugs, fights, abuse, bullying and corruption. This is not a show for the faint-hearted. Now, this is a drama and its brilliant, but it does contain dark humour, and it's my type of humour. Dry humour and sarcasm, and the one-liner that makes me chuckle to myself. Furthermore, the stories i...