The Labyrinth : Perhaps the best movie ever
The Labyrinth : Perhaps the best movie ever
Spoilers alert: Well of course this blog will have some spoilers in it, if you haven't seen the Labyrinth before and are going to watch it this will contact spoilers. You have been warned.
The Labyrinth (1986), directed by Jim Henson and produced by George Lucas, is a fantasy, musical adventure. The plot of the movie is that 16 year old Sarah, played by Jennifer Connelly, quests through the Labyrinth to reunite herself with her infant brother, Toby after she wished him away to the Goblin King, Jareth, played by David Bowie. All the characters within the realm of the Labyrinth itself, apart from Jareth and Sarah are played by puppets.
Now, there is so much too love about this movie and i know i'm not alone in thinking this movie is amazing, my family love this movie, my mum the most. Without my mum i wouldn't have seen this movie, well thats a lie, i would have watched it later in my life when my love for David Bowie presented itself. Also, i'm very happy to stay my younger sister and young cousin have seen the masterpiece that the Labyrinth is. The fact that people born in this millennium know of this movie and have seen it makes me extremely pleased.

Now, let's break down this characters, and lets start with Jennifer Connelly character, Sarah. Now Sarah is the main character of this story, she's a typically teenager with her head in the clouds, she believes it her against the world, and but world i mean her father and step-mother. Though she main be a typical teenager she actually she a chilliest nature about her. Sarah has yet to give up her childhood story, toys and teddy. Now Sarah's left to babysit her infant brother Toby when she cannot calm him on top of her already bad mood, desperately she turn towards her favourite book the Labyrinth and quotes wishes her brother away. When the Goblin King appears and brother no where to be found Sarah' realises right away her mistake and does the only thing she can do to find her brother, try to conquer the Labyrinth. The Journey for Sarah is not just physical but mental, she has battle, think and overcome her problems, and she does not have to do it alone, she makes plenty of friends along the way. Her journey thought physically trying is nothing compared to the mental battle she faces the whole time. Along her journey Sarah realises that everything that matter to her before (her stories, toys, teddy) don't actually matter to her anymore, her brother is so important to her, and she just could not see this before.

Jareth, The goblin king, played by the late, great, David Bowie. Jareth is the mysterious figure that grants Sarah's wish, to take her brother away, for he to live amongst the goblins. Now we should note that he has another figure that of a barn owl, in which is appears to us first. He holds magic which he uses with his crystals to transform figure and see Sarah as she journeys through the maze. Most importantly, he is in love with Sarah. Though, this is never actually said in the movie expect in song form. He takes Toby away because Sarah wished for it, it a weird twisted way he believes that everything he does through the movie is for Sarah. Something else i should mention is that is has an amazing dress sense, it's so hard to describe put is simply, awesome.
Now let's hold on a second...
The music is the Labyrinth is just Amazing.
David Bowie is just does amazingly in all his song throughout the movie.
(As the world falls down)
It's time for the Puppets. Now all the character expect for Sarah, Jareth, Toby (and briefly Sarah's father and step mother) are all puppet, not just puppet but magical creature of some sort. Now i'm gonna talk about them in the order we meet them throughout the film. The first of whom is Hoggle.

Meet Hoggle the first creature (not sure person is the correct term but creature probably isn't either. Just googled it and I'm ashamed to say that i never realised he is a dwarf. Shame on me, but as a child i did't he was and as i said before the labyrinth is filled with many creatures. Now Hoggle voiced by Brian Henson and played by Shari Weiser is what we can assume is either the gate keeper or a gardener of the Labyrinth. If you have seen the movie you'd know he sort does both. Hoggle and Sarah's relationship is perhaps the most interesting, you see Hoggle is a coward, no other way to say it. His cowards and his actual want for Sarah to be his friend, mean Hoggle is torn throughout the movie, not to mention he is a subject of Jareth the Goblin King. Obviously in the end his friendship with Sarah trumps his cowardliness, but it is a slow process. Though throughout the movie you see as Hoggle character developed and it is simply due to Sarah's presence in his live.
Gonna keep this one short and sweet like his role in the movie. The Worm or Mr Worm is a character Sarah meets after she runs through the labyrinth with no option of turning she believes it pointless and slumps to the floor, where is meets Mr Worm. By far my favourite character, he makes me laugh and is very nice. He wants to help Sarah, by giving her advice and even offering her a cup of tea in him home with he Wife. I simple love him.

Here is the big friendly creature Ludo, who is voiced by Ron Mueck. Ludo species is a Grundy, and well how to describe Ludo, a creature of few words, friendly, caring, sensitive and cute as hell. Him and Sarah meet and thats it, friendship formed and strong. It's an easy and loving relationship. Now Don;t let his cute face full you he's song as hell and is friends with the rock making him able to use them is a fight, so let's not get on his bad side.

Sir Didymus the Fox Terrier voiced by David She and his nobel ride Ambrosius. Now these two make quite the part. Guarding a bridge over the bog of eternal stench, not letting anyone cross without permission, this is how they join forces with Sarah and here group. Sir Didymus and Ludo bond after a small fight and become brother, bonding quickly, they all journey to the castle at the centre of the Labyrinth together from then on.
Now that we have gone through the main character i feel it's only fair to mention a few other creature. Well, other groups of creature staring with these with the crazy fella, The Fireys, no other way that to describe them as crazy. Next its the crazy junk lady, and that is her official title, the junk lady. There is more than one of her as well though one is more prominent. Just more distractions on the journey.

My favourite quotes:
Jareth: Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.
Hoggle: Oh, she'll never forgive me. What have I done? I've lost my only friend. That's what I've done.
Didymus: So, had enough, eh? All right then, throw down your weapons, and I'll see that you're well-treated.
Hoggle: Them's my rightful property. It's not fair. Sarah: No, it isn't. But that's the way it is.
The Worm/The Four Guards/Goblin: 'Ello.
Sarah: Did you say 'hello'?
The Worm/The Four Guards/Goblin: No, I said "Ello", but that's close enough.
Sarah: It's not fair...
Jareth: You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?
Hand Face: She chose down.
Jareth: How you turn my world, you precious thing.
Jareth: So, the Labyrinth is a piece of cake, is it? Well, let's see how you deal with this little slice...
Now i just want to finish with some behind the scene photos.
Now, there is so much too love about this movie and i know i'm not alone in thinking this movie is amazing, my family love this movie, my mum the most. Without my mum i wouldn't have seen this movie, well thats a lie, i would have watched it later in my life when my love for David Bowie presented itself. Also, i'm very happy to stay my younger sister and young cousin have seen the masterpiece that the Labyrinth is. The fact that people born in this millennium know of this movie and have seen it makes me extremely pleased.

Jareth, The goblin king, played by the late, great, David Bowie. Jareth is the mysterious figure that grants Sarah's wish, to take her brother away, for he to live amongst the goblins. Now we should note that he has another figure that of a barn owl, in which is appears to us first. He holds magic which he uses with his crystals to transform figure and see Sarah as she journeys through the maze. Most importantly, he is in love with Sarah. Though, this is never actually said in the movie expect in song form. He takes Toby away because Sarah wished for it, it a weird twisted way he believes that everything he does through the movie is for Sarah. Something else i should mention is that is has an amazing dress sense, it's so hard to describe put is simply, awesome.
Now let's hold on a second...
The music is the Labyrinth is just Amazing.
David Bowie is just does amazingly in all his song throughout the movie.
(As the world falls down)
It's time for the Puppets. Now all the character expect for Sarah, Jareth, Toby (and briefly Sarah's father and step mother) are all puppet, not just puppet but magical creature of some sort. Now i'm gonna talk about them in the order we meet them throughout the film. The first of whom is Hoggle.

Meet Hoggle the first creature (not sure person is the correct term but creature probably isn't either. Just googled it and I'm ashamed to say that i never realised he is a dwarf. Shame on me, but as a child i did't he was and as i said before the labyrinth is filled with many creatures. Now Hoggle voiced by Brian Henson and played by Shari Weiser is what we can assume is either the gate keeper or a gardener of the Labyrinth. If you have seen the movie you'd know he sort does both. Hoggle and Sarah's relationship is perhaps the most interesting, you see Hoggle is a coward, no other way to say it. His cowards and his actual want for Sarah to be his friend, mean Hoggle is torn throughout the movie, not to mention he is a subject of Jareth the Goblin King. Obviously in the end his friendship with Sarah trumps his cowardliness, but it is a slow process. Though throughout the movie you see as Hoggle character developed and it is simply due to Sarah's presence in his live.
Gonna keep this one short and sweet like his role in the movie. The Worm or Mr Worm is a character Sarah meets after she runs through the labyrinth with no option of turning she believes it pointless and slumps to the floor, where is meets Mr Worm. By far my favourite character, he makes me laugh and is very nice. He wants to help Sarah, by giving her advice and even offering her a cup of tea in him home with he Wife. I simple love him.

Here is the big friendly creature Ludo, who is voiced by Ron Mueck. Ludo species is a Grundy, and well how to describe Ludo, a creature of few words, friendly, caring, sensitive and cute as hell. Him and Sarah meet and thats it, friendship formed and strong. It's an easy and loving relationship. Now Don;t let his cute face full you he's song as hell and is friends with the rock making him able to use them is a fight, so let's not get on his bad side.

Sir Didymus the Fox Terrier voiced by David She and his nobel ride Ambrosius. Now these two make quite the part. Guarding a bridge over the bog of eternal stench, not letting anyone cross without permission, this is how they join forces with Sarah and here group. Sir Didymus and Ludo bond after a small fight and become brother, bonding quickly, they all journey to the castle at the centre of the Labyrinth together from then on.
Now that we have gone through the main character i feel it's only fair to mention a few other creature. Well, other groups of creature staring with these with the crazy fella, The Fireys, no other way that to describe them as crazy. Next its the crazy junk lady, and that is her official title, the junk lady. There is more than one of her as well though one is more prominent. Just more distractions on the journey.

Jareth: Everything I've done, I've done for you. I move the stars for no one.
Hoggle: Oh, she'll never forgive me. What have I done? I've lost my only friend. That's what I've done.
Didymus: So, had enough, eh? All right then, throw down your weapons, and I'll see that you're well-treated.
Hoggle: Them's my rightful property. It's not fair. Sarah: No, it isn't. But that's the way it is.
The Worm/The Four Guards/Goblin: 'Ello.
Sarah: Did you say 'hello'?
The Worm/The Four Guards/Goblin: No, I said "Ello", but that's close enough.
Sarah: It's not fair...
Jareth: You say that so often, I wonder what your basis for comparison is?
Hand Face: She chose down.
Jareth: How you turn my world, you precious thing.
Jareth: So, the Labyrinth is a piece of cake, is it? Well, let's see how you deal with this little slice...
Now i just want to finish with some behind the scene photos.
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